2021 Band Banquet

Many of you have asked about our annual end of year banquet and whether we would be having one this year. We are thrilled to announce that we will indeed be having a banquet this year although it will, like so many of this year’s events, be a banquet unlike any other.

Due to timing, funding, and COVD-19 related restraints we will be having a picnic style event in the mall at Eastside High School with food served picnic style followed by an awards presentation and senior movie in the auditorium.

What: Eastside Ram Band end-of-year Picnic (“banquet”)

When: Thursday May 20th at 6PM

Where: Eastside High School Courtyard

Food: Picnic style individual served meals- menu is still TBD but we will have vegan, vegetarian and meat options.

Cost- $5.50/person limit 4 people per family

Please RSVP by 5/14 using the form below.

All money must be turned in to the lockbox at school by 5/14 OR you can pay using the PayPal buttons. If you use Paypal, please be sure to select the total number of meals before clicking the button.

We understand that this is a significant departure from years past but we hope to see you all there!